What We Do

Retired couple relaxing above the water


We provide an unbiased & systematic process to organize your financial resources and maximize your opportunities.

Investment Portfolio Management

If you’re wondering how to invest to create lasting income during retirement, you’re in the right place.

Prudent management of your assets is a cornerstone of successful financial planning and retirement.

With a clear understanding of your goals, circumstances, and feelings towards risk & return, Aries helps you navigate the financial markets by developing and maintaining a portfolio that is sensitive to cost, income needs, capital growth, and tax efficiency.

We help you understand what you’re invested in, and why.

Aries Financial Navigators is a fee-only financial advisory firm, meaning we do not receive commissions or outside compensation from sources other than our clients. Our recommendations are based on your best interests, and not based on commissions from the sale of a product. 

Team looking at dry erase board

Tax Planning & Preparation

Did you know that Social Security is generally not taxed

But as your income increases, up to 85% of your social security can become taxable?

This is just one of many aspects of tax planning in retirement.

Minimizing the impact of taxes is a crucial element in maximizing your financial resources, particularly during years of financial independence and, for many, a fixed income.

By providing a long-range view of your tax picture over multiple years, we identify opportunities and implement personalized and tax-efficient withdrawal, conversion, and income strategies.

You’ll have a clear sense of where you stand throughout the year, regularly informed of recommended changes as necessary. And, Aries Financial Navigators will prepare and file your tax return each year! 

With this degree of tax planning and internal preparation, there are no surprises at tax time.

Social Security Strategies and Timing

Navigating the nuances of social security can feel overwhelming. 

Do you wait until 70? Take it as soon as you can?

With our experienced team and a comprehensive plan in place, timing Social Security doesn’t have to be a challenge.

As comprehensive financial planners, we help you time retirement and social security collection, maximize your social security benefits, and prepare for taxation along the way. We take into account your other sources of income, including rental income, pensions, required minimum distributions from investment accounts, and dividends and interest––plus your family’s unique needs and life expectancy.

Team examining computers and discussing
Woman working on insurance help

Insurance and Risk Management Strategies

Insurance and risk management planning with Aries maximizes your protections, lowers your annual costs, and eliminates redundancies.

As fee-only financial advisors, we do not sell insurance policies. But we will help you find the right plan at the right price––and we make zero commissions. We conduct regular in-depth reviews on insurance needs and healthcare spending including:

  • Medicare Supplement Plans and Health Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Umbrella & Supplemental Risk Insurance
  • Auto & Home Insurance

Estate Planning and Charitable Giving

Estate planning isn’t just about inheritances.

It’s also about ongoing care for you in the event of your incapacitation, creating the most beneficial tax situation for your heirs, and ensuring that your spouse and loved ones are well-taken care of no matter what happens.

Proper estate planning not only helps you decide who will benefit from your property and money after your passing, but also who will make important medical and financial decisions on your behalf.

We can also help you optimize your charitable giving during your life, employing tax-advantageous approaches to your donations.

Keep the state out of your estate with the right estate and charitable plan in place.

Clasped hands of multiple family members

What it's like

Working With Aries


An introductory call

No high-pressure sales.

Just a conversation about you, your concerns, and some ideas to give you confidence in the future.


A consultation and first plan

If Aries is a fit, we get to work collecting detailed information, formulating a plan, and showing you the roadmap to your retirement.


Investment management and plan updates

Life is full of change.

Ongoing planning is all about guiding you through the ups, downs, and changes that are an inevitable part of life.